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Library Family can Reduce the Influence of the Electronic Media

The presence of the family library is also an attempt to minimize the influence of the electronic media nowadays that sometimes it gives a negative impact on child development. The most appropriate family library to meet the needs of the family will be matched with interest because reading a specific family member.

Family library can be an alternative for families to spend time outside watching television that later dominated the family spaces. Library family can be made according to the conditions and needs of each family. There is a special room that provides that is designed to be a comfortable family library. There are also only provide the shelves of books so that neat book storage.

In the selection of books, mainly for children, there should be a reading book level according to the age of the child, starting with light and continues to rise up to what is favored by children. Here we can also see what the typical intelligence of sang.

Library Family can Reduce the Influence of the Electronic Media

As outlined by Dr. Howard Gardner that there are 8 types of human intelligence:
  1. Linguistic and verbal intelligence (language intelligence)
  2. Intelligence of logic and mathematical.
  3. Spatial Intelligence
  4. Intelligence of body and movement (motor intelligence)
  5. Intelligence of musical
  6. Intelligence of inter-personal
  7. Intelligence of outside-personal
  8. Naturalist Intelligence
With a family library we can help steer or guide the child to explore and develop the type of sharp wit that stand out in the child.

The Benefits of Family Library for Child

Libraries as aforesaid to date is still the consumption for people who've grown up and have become an attractive place for young children. Children less accustomed to being in a room that is spacious and is composed of many books on the shelves and accosted by people who in fact was far above it. For that family should strive to embody how library within the family so that the culture of reading to be grown in the family.

My mom is the first my library. This sentence means that a child is getting the information first from his mother since petty in the mother was the one who always accompany and educating her child so that the child will always imitate and remember the words and deeds of his mother. The culture of reading does not grow by itself. The mother or Father who was an avid reader would greatly influence his children to read.

The Benefits of Family Library for Child

This shows how great the family role in adding to the knowledge of the son as well as her mental attitude and form. Knowledge, attitudes, and mentally it's very determine the future of the children in order to embody his ideals. For the culture of reading in the family should continue to be maintained.

This effort can be realized by creating a family library in houses that designed with the situation and condition of the home so that it can attract a child to read. The benefits obtained from a very large family library for family members, among them are:
  1. As the first step closer a family.
  2. As a source of information and knowledge.
  3. In an effort to foster interest in learning and motivation read, expanding the horizons of knowledge.
  4. Build family Fellowship.
  5. A container of exchange of knowledge and thought.
  6. Be a means of documenting the historical aspects of hereditary in a family can be well-maintained.
  7. Library learning atmosphere embodies the family at home.
  8. Train the child to disciplined

The Library is The Best Place to Reading

The library is the best place to read, because different sources of information we can get, in addition to many other benefits as well we can get through the library. The library refers to a room or building used for storing books and other publications that are usually stored according to the particular arrangement that is used the reader not for sale.

There are two main elements in the library, the books and the room. All books, magazines, etc. organized, orderly, arranged so that when we need information, we can easily find it. The main activity of the library is to gather information in various forms or formats for preservation of library materials and information sources other source of knowledge. In General, the benefits of the library are: Providing a variety of information to the public.

The Library is The Best Place to Reading

Into place and provides the means to learn both formal or non formal surroundings. A container for the community to enjoy the cultural recreational reading and access a variety of information sources of entertainment such as: novels, folklore, poetry, and so forth. Educate and develop an appreciation of popular culture through various activities, such as exhibitions, performances, surgery books, storytelling, seminars, etc.

Reading has an Important Role for The Child's Education

The educational process is a process of internalization of the values of life to maturity in thinking and acting. This process is done of course with updating the input as much information as possible to expand the horizon of thinking and insights. Because it has a breadth that we can see and understand the scope of life that can lead us to do and work to life.

One very effective way to get information is to read books, newspapers, magazines, etc. Meaning is that reading became the main activity to get the information we need. This information is in the form of information in science, technology and culture. However it must be admitted that the activity has not been read into things that are of interest to a large part of Indonesia society especially children. Its main cause is because reading is a monotonous and boring activities for children.

Reading has an Important Role for The Child's Education

But considering the enormous benefits derived from the activity of reading it remains required serious efforts to cultivate interest in reading that starts from an early age. Due to the growth of the culture read on then there will be the transformation of information that can accelerate the development of knowledge. In other words, interest is high in children reading can be an educational process for him toward maturity.

The benefits of Reading

The benefits of Reading - Reading is one of a very effective way to get information. Why You Should Read Every Day. When was the last time you read a book, or a substantial magazine article? Do your daily reading habits center around tweets, Facebook updates, or the directions on your instant oatmeal packet? If you’re one of countless people who don’t make a habit of reading regularly, you might be missing out: reading has a significant number of benefits, and just a few benefits of reading are listed below.

Reading has many benefits, the following benefits of reading for education:

The benefits of Reading
  1. Reading eliminates the anxiety and nervousness.
  2. When busy reading, someone blocked entered in ignorance.
  3. The habit of reading make people too busy to get in touch with the people who are lazy and those who don't want to work.
  4. With frequent reading, one can develop elegance and fluency in spoken word. 
  5. Read the petrified develop thinking and clear way of thinking.
  6. Reading one's knowledge increases and improves memory and understanding.
  7. With frequent reading, someone may benefit from the experience of others, such as follow the wisdom of the wise men and scholars of the intelligence.
  8. With frequent reading, a person can develop his abilities, both to obtain and respond to science, as well as to study and apply the scientific discipline in life.
  9. Someone's beliefs will increase when reading a helpful books, especially books written by experts. The book is a better Messenger lectures and books have a strong influence to guide someone towards goodness and distanced from crime.
  10. With reading will help someone to freshen his mind from the clutter and save time so as not to needlessly.
  11. With frequent reading, one can master many words and learn a variety of model sentences and increase the ability to absorb the concepts and to understand what is implied.

Jerome S Bruner developmental psychology and cognitive learning psychology

Jerome S Bruner developmental psychology and cognitive learning psychology
Jerome s. Bruner (1915) is an expert in developmental psychology and cognitive learning psychology expert. His approach of psychology is eclectic. His research covers many such human perception, motivation, learning, and thinking. In the study of human beings, he considers man as processor, thinker and creator information. According to Bruner studied mathematics will be more successful if processes are directed towards teaching the concepts and structures that are made in the subjects that are taught, in addition to the associated relationships between concepts and structures. By knowing the concept and structure are covered in materials that are being talked about, the child will understand the material that must be mastered. This shows that the material which has a specific pattern or structure will be more easily understood and remembered.

According to Bruner to understand concepts that are abstract, nature needed representatives that can be captured by human senses. Bruner also revealed that children in the learning process should be given the opportunity to manipulate objects (props). Through the props he saw, the child will see first-hand how regularity and pattern structure contained in the object that is being seen. The regularity later by children associated with an intuitive description that has been attached to him. By manipulating Viewer tools, students can learn through activeness. As expressed by Bruner, learning is a process that allows people to find new stuff in the beyond (beyond) the information provided on him. For example, a student studying prime numbers will be able to find a variety of things that are important and interesting about prime numbers, even though in the beginning the teacher just gave little information about the prime number to students.

Bruner's theory of human activities not associated with age or stage of development (in contrast to Piaget's Theory). There are two important parts of the theory of Bruner, the stages in the process of learning and Theorems about how learning and teaching Mathematics.

The Importance of Outdoor Study

Outdoor Study is one way to address the creation of learning burnout, boredom, and perceptual learning in the classroom only. Learning does not have to always be done in the classroom, but it can be done outside the classroom, such as in open areas as a place people can interact with each other.

Learning outside the classroom can be done in public places, such as markets, terminals, stations, offices, and tourist attractions. The purpose of learning outside the classroom is that students are not saturated and can develop their creativity and see things for the global.

Learning activities outside the classroom are very useful, because in addition to changing the perception of learning, it can broaden students.

Inviting students to learn outside the classroom can be a positive influence, can add insight, can even be applied directly in the field. Is very diverse applications, such as learning that takes place in such a historic of Prambanan Temple, aims to introduce students to the historical places as cultural heritage in the past.

Learning outside the classroom can stimulate students to be more actively communicate directly in the environment. The students should see themselves, and their own direct experience. Learning outside the classroom is also a more open view of the students, so that knowledge can be received better.

Why is early childhood education is very important?

Why is early childhood education is very important? - Based on the research results about 50% of adult intelligence capabilities have occurred when the child was 4 years old, 8 0% there has been a rapid development of the brain tissue when the child is 8 years old and reaches its peak when the child was 18 years old, and after it's done though improved nutrition will have no effect on cognitive development.

This means that the development occurred within the first 4 years of the same magnitude with the developments in the next 14 years. So that this period is a critical period for children, where development acquired during this period is very influential on the development of the next period to adulthood. While this golden age only comes once, so that when the mean finished missed chances.

Why is early childhood education is very important?

According to Byrnes, early childhood education will provide preparation for facing children in the future times, the closest is the face of the school year. "Currently, some kindergarten children already ask students who want to enrol there already able to read and count. In the kindergarten had already started to be taught social skills and problem solving. Because of the abilities that was to be established at an early age, "said Byrnes.

Furthermore, according to Byrnes, that early childhood education is important, because at this age the child is the best form of education. At this age children should establish himself facing a period of school readiness and future. The best investment you can give to children is to prepare them in early childhood education.

Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg was a German blacksmith, goldsmith, printer, and publisher who introduced printing to Europe

Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg was a German blacksmith, goldsmith, printer, and publisher who introduced printing to Europe. Johannes Gutenberg Gensfleisch born in 1359 in Mainz, Germany. Johannes Gutenberg Gensfleisch born of a noble family named Gensfleisch. Johannes Gutenberg Gensfleisch is a scientist who invented the first printing press that can be dismantled and reassembled.

The youngest son of the upper-class merchant Friele Gensfleisch zur Laden, and his second wife, Else Wyrich, who was the daughter of a shopkeeper. It is assumed that he was baptized in the area close to his birthplace St. Christoph. According to some accounts Friele was a goldsmith for the bishop at Mainz, but most likely, he was involved in the cloth trade. Gutenberg's year of birth is not precisely known but was most likely around 1398.

Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg was a German blacksmith, goldsmith, printer, and publisher who introduced printing to Europe

In 1454, the book was printed in Mainz in contributions from Johannes Gutenberg Gensfleisch most beautiful. This book is now becoming well known as the Gospel of Gutenberg. Johannes Gutenberg Gensfleisch name is not listed in the Code, Johannes Gutenberg Gensfleisch not want to exploit his invention for commercial purposes.

Johannes Gutenberg Gensfleisch first inventor of the method is the use of movable letters made of alloy material. Gensfleisch Johannes Gutenberg invention has led to another various European nations evenly information.

Johannes Gutenberg Gensfleisch died in 1468. During his lifetime never received royalties from its findings, the first printing press. In fact, to this day, his services are still used around the world.

Dorothy Law Nolte was an American writer and family counsellor

Dorothy Law Nolte was an American writer and family counsellor - Children Learn What They Live. Child is a divine deposit which we must guard with all their heart and hard with him with a good education so that later became a devoted son to parents, religion, homeland, nation, and state.

The reality today, many children who are victims of moral depravity of people who are not responsible, the situation is very worrying, who else if not we as parents have to take care of early on.

Dorothy Law Nolte was an American writer and family counsellor. She wrote a poem on childrearing, "Children Learn What They Live," for a weekly family column for The Torrance Herald in 1954. Dorothy Law Nolte was born on January 12, 1924, in United States of America. Dorothy Law Nolte was died: November 6, 2005.

Dorothy Law Nolte was an American writer and family counsellor

Here is the concept of educating children by Dorothy Law Nolte

Children Learn What They Live
By Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D.

If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live

Jan Baptist van Helmont an expert chemistry of Belgium

Jan Baptist van Helmont. He is an expert chemistry of Belgium. He a person who conduct initial research on growth in plants. Jan Baptist van Helmont was born on 12 January 1580 and died on 30 December 1644.  Jan Baptist van Helmont was an early modern period Flemish chemist, physiologist, and physician. He worked during the years just after Paracelsus and iatrochemistry, and is sometimes considered to be the founder of pneumatic chemistry. Van Helmont is remembered today largely for his ideas on spontaneous generation, his 5-year tree experiment, and his introduction of the word gas from the Greek word chaos into the vocabulary of scientists.

Jan Baptist Van Helmont was the youngest of five children of Maria (van) Stassaert and Christiaen van Helmont, a public prosecutor and Brussels council member, who had married in the Sint-Goedele church in 1567. He was educated at Leuven, and after ranging restlessly from one science to another and finding satisfaction in none, turned to medicine. He interrupted his studies, and for a few years he travelled through Switzerland, Italy, France, and England.

Returning to his own country, Jan Baptist van Helmont obtained a medical degree in 1599. He practiced at Antwerp at the time of the great plague in 1605. In 1609 he finally obtained his doctoral degree in medicine. The same year he married Margaret van Ranst, who was of a wealthy noble family. Van Helmont and Margaret lived in Vilvoorde, near Brussels, and had six or seven children. The inheritance of his wife enabled him to retire early from his medical practice and occupy himself with chemical experiments until his death on the 30th of December 1644.

List of Currency Names

List of Currency Names - Here is 125 List of Currency Names

1. Abbesinia - Dollar
2. Afghanistan - Afgani
3. Afrika Selatan - Rand
4. Afrika Tengah - Franc
5. Albanìa - Lek
6. Aljazair - Dinar
7. Amerìka Serikat - Dollar
8. Angola - Kwanza
9. Argentina - Peso
10. Australia - Dollar
11. Austria - Shilling
12. Bangladesh - Taka
13. Belanda - Gulden
14. Belgia - Franc
15. Bolivia - Boliviamus
16. Brazil - Cruzeiro
17. Brunei Darussalam - Dollar
18. Bulgaria - Lev
19. Chad - Franc
20. Canada - Dollar

21. Ceylon - Rupes
22. Chili - Peso
23. Cina - Yuan
24. Ceko- Koruna
25. Denmark - Krone
26. Dominika - Peso
27. El Savador - Kolon
28. Ethopia - Birr
29. Equador - Sucrve
30. Filipina - Peso
31. Finlandia - Markka
32. Ghana - Cedi
33. Guatemala - Queizal
34. Haiti - Courde
35. Hongaria - Forint
36. Hongkong - Dollar
37. Honduras - Lempira
38. India - Rupee
39. Indonesia - Rupiah
40. Inggris - Pound Sterling
41. Irak - Dinar
42. Iran - Real
43. Irlandia - Pound
44. Israel - Pound
45. Islandia - Krona
46. Italia - Lira
47. Jamaika - Dollar
48. Jepang - Yen
49. Jerman - Deutsche Mark
50. Kamboja - Riel
51. Kamerun - Franc
52. Kenya - Shilling
53. Kolombia - Peso
54 kongo - Franc
55. Korea Selatan - Won
56. Korea Utara - Won
57. Kuba - Peso
58. Kuwait - Dinar
59. Laos - New Kip
60. Libanon - Pound
61 Liberia - Dollar
62. Libya - Dinar
63. Luxemburg - Frenc
64. Malaysia - Rìnggit
65. Malvìnas - Pound 66. Maroko - Dirham
67. Mesir - Pound
68. Mexico - Peso
69. Monako - Franc
70. Mongolia - Tugrik
71. Mozambik - Escudo
72. Myanmar - Kyat
73. Namibia - Rand
74. Nepal - Rupee
75. Nikaragua - Kordoba
76. Nigerìa - Naira
77. Norwegia - Kroon
78. Oman - Rial
79. Palestina - Dinar
80. Pakistan - Rupee
81. Panama - Balboa
82. Papua Nugini - Kina
83. Paraguay - Guarani
84. Perancis - Franc
85. Peru - Sole
86. Polandia - zioty
87. Portugal - Escudo
88. Qatar - Riyal
89. Rumania - Leu
90. Saudi Arabia - Riyal
91. Senegal - Franc
92. Singapura - Dollar
93. Siprus - Pound
94. Srilanka - Rupee
95. Sudan - Pound
96. Suriah - Pound
97. Spanyol - Peseta
98. Suriname - Guilder
99. Swedia - Kroon
100. Swiss - Franc
101. Taiwan - Dollar
102. Tanzania - Shilling
103. Thailand - Bath
104. Selandia Baru - Dollar
105. Tunisia - Dinar
106. Turki - Lira
107. Uganda - Shilling
108. Uni Emirat Arab - Dirham
109. Uruguay - Peso
110. Vatikan - Lira
111. Venezuela - Bolivar
112. Vietnam - Dong
113. Yaman - Imani
114. Yordania - Dinar
115. Yunani - Drachma
116. Zaire - Zaire
117. Zambia - Kwacha
118. Zimbabwe - Dollar
119. Armenia - Dram
120. Azerbaijan - Manat
121. Kazakhstan - Tenge
122. Kirgystan - Rubel
123. Tajikistan - Rouble
124. Turkmenistan - Manat
125. Uzbekistan – Som

How Teach Reading and Writing to children

How Teach Reading and Writing to children? - Children love to play, for the right way to teach reading and writing is to learn while playing. Children begin to learn to read and write his own name. Children can learn to read and write well, when they are taught using a multi-sensory approach. Multi-sensory approach is an approach to learning that involves the senses as much as possible.

Some of the techniques learned to read and write for children include:

Writing exercises in the air made ​​to train the muscles to move up a letter. Children write letters in the air while saying written.

Learning can write anywhere. Learn to write in preschool children do not need to use the tools and special place. This can be done while playing, for example by using a tree branch on the ground, on sand beach with using fingers and others.

How Teach Reading and Writing to children

Letter recognition can be started with various objects around the child, including members of his own body. Examples mouth that looks like the letter O. It would be nice also if the child is given its concrete object, for example the letter n pointed nose, letter a pointing apples and so on.

Do not force the child. When preschoolers not want to learn to write, the child should not be forced. Coercion in children can lead to trauma. Children will be reluctant to develop writing skills, because children at school age still have fun playing properties.

The use of the approach play and the use of concrete objects around it will attract the attention of the child to learn.

Ben Underwood Human with a Sonar Vision

Ben Underwood Human with a Sonar Vision - Ben Underwood is a blind American teen who uses echolocation to move around avoiding obstacles.

Ben Underwood is blind, his eyes had been damaged by cancer, when she was 3 years old. However, he plays basketball, rides on a bicycle, and lives a quite normal. He trained himself to use sonar waves to navigate around the world, without a guide dog to lead him, without a hand to touch-touch, he uses SOUND!

Ben produces sound then bounces on an object and echoes it back to him. He was one-the only person in the world who look at using sonar sound like dolphins-dolphins, sea vessels, and bats.

Ben Underwood Human with a Sonar Vision

Human echolocation is an ability of humans to detect objects in their environment by sensing echoes from those objects. By actively creating sounds-for example, by tapping their canes, lightly stomping their foot or making clicking noises with their mouths-people trained to orientate with echolocation can interpret the sound waves reflected by nearby objects, accurately identifying their location and size. This ability is used by some blind people for acoustic way finding, or navigating within their environment using auditory rather than visual cues. It is similar in principle to active sonar and to the animal echolocation employed by some animals, including bats, dolphins and toothed whales

Auxin is Coleoptile Bending Toward the Light

Theword of auxin  was first used by Frits Went. the found that a compound causes bending coleoptile toward light. The bending of the coleoptile caused by cell elongation in terpacunya side attached pieces of agar containing auxin. Went auxin found now known as acid indole acetic (IAA). Besides IAA, plants contain three other compounds are considered as hormone auxin, which is 4-chloro indolasetat (4 chloro IAA) found in young seeds nuts, phenyl acetic acid (PAA) were encountered in many plant species,  and indolbutirat acid (IBA) which found in the leaves of corn and a variety of plant species

Auxin plays a role in a variety of activities plants include:

Development of fruit

At the time of developing mature seeds , seeds issued auxin to the sections of interest that stimulates the formation of fruit. Thus, administration of auxin on flower are not pollinated will stimulate the development of the fruit seedless. It is called partenokarpi.

Apical dominance

Apical dominance is a shoot tip growth plants that inhibit the development of lateral buds in lower stem. Apical dominance is the result of downward auxin transport made ​​in the apical meristem.


Young leaves and young fruits form of auxin, so that remained strong both attached to the stem. However, when reduced auxin formation, a layer of specialized cells formed in the base of the leaf stalk and the fruit so that the leaves and fruit fall.

The formation of adventitious roots

Auxin stimulates root formation that grows wild of stems or leaves of many species.

Daniel Paul Tammet with extraordinary abilities in mathematical computation

Daniel Paul Tammet is a British man who is gifted with extraordinary abilities in mathematical computation , memory, and language learning . He was born with congenital epilepsy. Daniel Tammet FRSA (born 31 January 1979) is an English writer, essayist and autistic savant. His best-selling 2006 memoir, Born on a Blue Day, about his life with high-functioning autism and savant syndrome, was named a "Best Book for Young Adults" in 2008 by the American Library Association.

Tammet's second book, Embracing the Wide Sky, was described as one of France's best-selling books of 2009 by L' Express magazine in its March 2010 edition. Thinking in Numbers, Tammet's third book, was published by Hodder in the UK on 16 August 2012, and by Little, Brown in the United States and Canada on 30 July 2013. Tammet's books have been published in 20 languages. He was Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in 2012.

He says, each number up to 10,000 each-each have a' unique shape and feel unique, so that he can 'feel' whether these figures include numbers or the main mix. For example, he said that the figure of 289 as particularly ugly, 333 as particularly attractive, and pi as beautiful.

Tammet holds the record as a 'process' and calculate the value of Pi to the number 22.514 in just five hours. He also speaks a variety of languages ​, including English, French, Finnish, German, Spanish, Lithuanian, Romanian, Estonian, Wales, and Esperanto. He particularly likes Estonian, because it is rich in vowels.

Tammet is capable of learning new languages ​​very quickly. To prove it, Tammet was challenged Channel Five (a TV channel) to learn Icelandic in one week. 7 days later he appeared on Icelandic television conversing in Icelandic. Until-until, Tammet language instructor saying it was man who does not like humans.

Heredity and Mutation

Heredity and Mutation - In the Subject field of the Natural Sciences Biology are terms that relate to Heredity and Mutation. What is the difference between heredity and mutation? Heredity is how information is based from one generation to the next; encoded in the DNA molecule. A mutation is a mistake that is made in the DNA. Most mutations have no affect, some are harmful, and a small number confer an advantage. Natural Selection works to eliminate the harmful and enhance the beneficial.

The following definition of terms related to the Heredity and Mutation:

Heredity and Mutation

  1. Autosomal is a chromosomes outside of the sex chromosomes.
  2. Dihybrid is a marriage by taking into account two different characteristics.
  3. Agglutinin is a substance that can agglutinate red blood cells.
  4. Aglutinogen is a red blood cell antigens that stimulate the formation of agglutinin. Used as the basis for the classification of human blood into types A, B, AB, and O.
  5. The dominant phenotype is a characteristics that appears in F1, characteristics the win against a recessive characteristics.
  6. Epistasis is an beralel gene interactions, with one covering the gene expression of other genes.
  7. Phenotype is the appearance of characteristics as a result of interaction between the genotype with the environment.
  8. Genotype is a characteristics that is determined by genes.
  9. Haemophilia is a blood disease hard freeze.
  10. Heterozygous is a genotype that composed of genes and alleles that are not the same, one dominant and the other recessive.
  11. Kiasma is a connection there between homologous chromatids, where the exchange process in the event of crossovers.
  12. Lethal is a gene that cause of death of the individual.
  13. Monohibrid is a marriage by taking into account the different characteristics.
  14. Mutagen is a chemical substance, biological or treatments that can increase spontaneous mutation.
  15. Mutant is an organism mutate so different from other types.
  16. Links is a gene that is adrift because it is located on an adjacent locus.
  17. Crossing over is an emigration event from one chromosome to genes homologous chromosome as the locus apart. Occurs during meiosis.

Inventors Law of Archimedes

Inventors Law of Archimedes - Law of Archimedes invented by the ancient Greek physicist named Archimedes. Archimedes was born in 287 BC in Syracaus, Sicilia Greek colony. Archimedes' father was an astronomer named Pheidias. Archimedes school in Alexandria. Archimedes who first made ​​the discovery while still in school, which found a kind of screw that can lift water from the Nile.

Law of Archimedes discovered while soaking in the bath tub. Originally Archimedes was given the task of King Syracaus is Herion II to assure honesty maker crown.

The weight ratio of water displaced by the crown when the crown sinks give an idea to the Archimedes currently known as the density of objects. Until now the law of Archimedes still used in the manufacture of ships, aircraft, and other equipment related to the density of objects.

Inventors Law of Archimedes

It is told that during the war the Romans, Archimedes designed a concave mirror to concentrate sunlight and directed to a Roman warship to burn.

It is said that Archimedes once said that Archimedes Archimedes could lift the earth if given a fulcrum and a lever long.

Archimedes findings seen on a tanker ship that is moving the weight of sea water in order to float on the surface of the ocean and its cargo in the form of oil lighter than the weight of sea water.