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Jerome S Bruner developmental psychology and cognitive learning psychology

Jerome s. Bruner (1915) is an expert in developmental psychology and cognitive learning psychology expert. His approach of psychology is eclectic. His research covers many such human perception, motivation, learning, and thinking. In the study of human beings, he considers man as processor, thinker and creator information. According to Bruner studied mathematics will be more successful if processes are directed towards teaching the concepts and structures that are made in the subjects that are taught, in addition to the associated relationships between concepts and structures. By knowing the concept and structure are covered in materials that are being talked about, the child will understand the material that must be mastered. This shows that the material which has a specific pattern or structure will be more easily understood and remembered.

According to Bruner to understand concepts that are abstract, nature needed representatives that can be captured by human senses. Bruner also revealed that children in the learning process should be given the opportunity to manipulate objects (props). Through the props he saw, the child will see first-hand how regularity and pattern structure contained in the object that is being seen. The regularity later by children associated with an intuitive description that has been attached to him. By manipulating Viewer tools, students can learn through activeness. As expressed by Bruner, learning is a process that allows people to find new stuff in the beyond (beyond) the information provided on him. For example, a student studying prime numbers will be able to find a variety of things that are important and interesting about prime numbers, even though in the beginning the teacher just gave little information about the prime number to students.

Bruner's theory of human activities not associated with age or stage of development (in contrast to Piaget's Theory). There are two important parts of the theory of Bruner, the stages in the process of learning and Theorems about how learning and teaching Mathematics.

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