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How Teach Reading and Writing to children

How Teach Reading and Writing to children? - Children love to play, for the right way to teach reading and writing is to learn while playing. Children begin to learn to read and write his own name. Children can learn to read and write well, when they are taught using a multi-sensory approach. Multi-sensory approach is an approach to learning that involves the senses as much as possible.

Some of the techniques learned to read and write for children include:

Writing exercises in the air made ​​to train the muscles to move up a letter. Children write letters in the air while saying written.

Learning can write anywhere. Learn to write in preschool children do not need to use the tools and special place. This can be done while playing, for example by using a tree branch on the ground, on sand beach with using fingers and others.

How Teach Reading and Writing to children

Letter recognition can be started with various objects around the child, including members of his own body. Examples mouth that looks like the letter O. It would be nice also if the child is given its concrete object, for example the letter n pointed nose, letter a pointing apples and so on.

Do not force the child. When preschoolers not want to learn to write, the child should not be forced. Coercion in children can lead to trauma. Children will be reluctant to develop writing skills, because children at school age still have fun playing properties.

The use of the approach play and the use of concrete objects around it will attract the attention of the child to learn.

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