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Endometriosis Disease of Female Reproductive System

Endometriosis Disease of Female Reproductive System
In addition to cervical cancer, and ovarian cancer, endometriosis is also a disease that attacks the human reproductive system in women.

Endometriosis is a disease of the female reproductive system because endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus. Under normal circumstances, the endometrium is found only in the lining of the uterus. Endometriosis can be lowered and is more common in first-degree (mother, daughter, sister). Other factors that increase the risk of endometriosis is to have an abnormal uterus, first gave birth at the age of 30 years, and whites.

Endometriosis can cause the following:
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and pelvic area
  • Irregular periods
  • Infertility
Endometriosis can be treated in several ways, depending on the degree of illness. Treatment options for endometriosis include:
  1. Drugs that suppress ovarian activity and slow the growth of endometrial tissue.
  2. Surgery to remove as much as possible endometriosis.
  3. The combination of drugs and surgery.
  4. Hysterectomy, often accompanied by the removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries.
Endometriosis is associated with inflammation of the hormone estradiol/estrogen form that accompanied the growth of endometrial tissue propagation of blood vessels, to stand out of the uterus (ectopic growth) and cause pelvic pain. Endometriosis is said to be associated with estrogen causes development and simtoma generated will be lost over the coming menopause, therefore, the most common treatment for patients with inflammation of this is the use of hormonal therapy that induces a hypoestrogenic condition. Estrogens are a group of steroid hormones secreted by the ovary after stimulated FSH and/or LH secreted by the pituitary gland. Further secretion of FSH and LH is inhibited by GnRH hormone secreted by the hypothalamus.

Once the cyst endometriosis has been fully formed, appears simtoma vaginal hyperalgesia accompanied by abdominal muscle hyperalgesia. Tissue around the cyst will secrete a variety of cytokines include IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, and IL-10, TNF-α, growth factors such as VEGF and NGF.

Endometriosis is usually confined to the surface layer of the abdominal cavity or abdominal organs. Misplaced endometrium is usually attached to the ovaries (ovarian) and ancillary uterine ligaments. The endometrium can also attach to the outer layer of the small intestine and large intestine, ureter (tube that connects the kidney to the bladder), bladder, vagina, scar tissue in the abdomen or chest cavity lining. Sometimes endometrial tissue grows in the lungs.

Endometriosis can be lowered and is more common in first-degree (mother, daughter, sister). Other factors that increase the risk of endometriosis is to have an abnormal uterus, first gave birth at the age of 30 years old and white.

Endometriosis is estimated to occur in 10-15% of infertile women aged 25-44 years, 25-50 % of women are infertile and can also occur in adolescence. Severe endometriosis can cause infertility due to blocked her eggs from the ovaries to the uterus.

Monas Monumen Nasional Jakarta Indonesia National Monument

Monas Jakarta or Monumen Nasional Jakarta Indonesia or National Monument is the pride of the Indonesian nation, built on August 17, 1961 to honor and perpetuate the greatness of Indonesian struggle known as the Revolution August 17, 1945. The monument was completed in 1967 and spent approximately 7 billion dollars, the monument was opened on June 12, 1975 by Jakarta Governor Ali Sadikin. Monas reaches a height of 132 meters.

The design and layout is very attractive allowing visitors to enjoy the beautiful scenery and dazzling cool, a park where there are trees of various provinces in Indonesia. Fountain located at the entrance to make the park a cooler, coupled with the swaying charm of the fountain. Near the entrance to the court also looked magnificent monument stands a statue of Prince Diponegoro who are riding horses, statues made ​​of bronze weighing 8 tons is done by Italian sculptor, Prof. Coberlato as consulate general donation Honeres Dr. Mario in Indonesia.

Shape towering Monas containing philosophy "Linga and Yoni" is an "Alu" as the "phallus" and the shape of the container (cup) in the form of space resembles a "Mortar" as "Yoni". Pestle and lumping are two important tools which every family in Indonesia, particularly rural people. Linga and Yoni is the ancient symbol of eternal life is that illustrate positive elements (phallus) and negative elements (Yoni) such as the day and night, male and female, good and bad, is the eternity of the world. Space history located 3 meters below the surface of the monument that page size is 80 x 90 meters, covered with stone walls and marble floors, indoors visitors are presented with a demonstration sijendela (diaroma) that perpetuate the history of the life of the Indonesian nation, which maintains independence until the time of order The new.

Monas Monumen Nasional Jakarta Indonesia National Monument

The independence that shaped ampitheater, which is contained in the cup, and also there are 4 attributes which includes maps of islands, the state symbol of national unity. Gate door contains the text of the proclamation. In this space we can also listen to voice recordings Bung Karno while reading the text of the proclamation.

Parts of the Monas National Monument
  1. Parks. Monument in the park there are many trees and extensive field. There are Raflesia Arnoldi flower sculpture that is almost similar to the original.
  2. Road/Lorong Underground. After we passed the large gardens, we walked through the door a long underground passage that connects directly to the historical museum space.
  3. History Museum Room. Space history museum located three meters below the surface of the monument has a page size of 80 x 80 meters. The walls in the room as well as the story boat and even then everything is covered in marble. In this room visitors are presented with a demonstration window (dioramas) that perpetuate the history of the life of the ancestors of Indonesia, the struggle for the independence and sovereignty of Indonesia until the era of development in the new order.
  4. Independence Room. Space independence amphithea shaped monument located in the cup, there are four attributes include a map of the islands of the state independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the state symbol of national unity, and the gate door that contains a copy of the proclamation of independence. In this runag Similarly, visitors can also hear the voice recording Bung Karno when reading the text of the proclamation.
  5. Court of Peak. In the court of the top of the monument which is located at an altitude of 115 meters from the monument has a page size of 11 x 11 meters, visitors can reach the court by using a single elevator with a capacity of 11 people. At the top court that can accommodate about 50 people were also provided 4 binoculars in every corner, where visitors can see the view of the city from a height of 132 meters from Monas page.
  6. Tongues of Fire Independence. Flames made ​​of bronze with a height of 14.5 tons of 14 meters and a diameter of 6 meters, consists of 17 sections joined together. The whole flame coated gold plate weighing 35 kgs, and then on the 50th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia gold lining flames increased to 50 kgs.

Doctoral Training on Organic Food

Examines the historical, cultural, political, economic and geographic food production, consumption and post-consumption. Align with the main focus of concentration feeding studies how individuals, communities and societies related to food in a cultural and historical context. The program offers students the opportunity to study a wide range of topics such as:
  1. Science and Food Technology
  2. Food and Culture
  3. Epidemiology
  4. Marketing 
  5. Nutrition
  6. Health policy
Students will also work closely with an advisor to choose the right combination of choices to complement individual interests and career paths to choose and experience abroad in one of New York University Global Sites.

Careers: Global Public Health Food Studies major New York University prepares students to enter a variety of careers in:
  1. advocacy
  2. policy
  3. agriculture
  4. food production
  5. public relations
  6. development
  7. advanced public health
  8. food studies
  9. or other related fields university education
New York University World Institute for Public Health

Doctoral Training on Organic Food

The NYU Global Institute of Public Health (GIPH) crosses disciplinary boundaries to address the problems of the most pressing health of the planet. Drawing resources between schools NYU, the Institute offers a truly interdisciplinary education of public health bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees.

The Institute also supports advanced and collaborative research on public health issues worldwide. The GIPH relies on the global reach of the University of unique global network of NYU, draws its strength from the entrepreneurial spirit of many talented teachers and students of NYU, and serves as a conduit for advanced research and education that promotes equitable health for all.

Majors requiring highly selective undergraduate global health (GIPH) allow students to choose a study program which is a combination of public health and an academic discipline or professional field housed in one of (04) four schools of New York University:
  1. College of Arts and Sciences
  2. College of Nursing
  3. School of Social Work
  4. Steinhardt School of Culture
  5. Education and Human Development
Public health combined with other Majors

Global public health is not a major stand-alone, but rather, students from different majors combined benefit of instructors, counselors and courses in both their home school and the whole of University.

The unique structure responds to the growing demand for interdisciplinary practitioners of public health, both in the U.S. and abroad.

The curriculum is combined with experiential learning and study away requirements to ensure that students are extensively trained and prepared only for a variety of careers. Students take courses in their chosen field in Steinhardt, the exact number of different courses by major.

Students complete their courses with choice to global public health and/or major field Steinhardt (chosen in consultation with an advisor) to complete individual interests and career paths and study a foreign language.

Fertilization and Pregnancy

Fertilization and Pregnancy - Fertilisation is the fusion of sperm and ovum. Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube. When fertilization takes place, only the sperm head that contains the cell nucleus into the egg cell wall, while the tail is left outside.

The incorporation of the sperm and ovum to form a zygote. Formed zygote moves toward the uterus while splitting into two, four, eight, and so on, by the time the embryo reaches 32 cells and has a shape like strawberries, is called a morula.

Furthermore, morula develops into a blastula. Then, the cells will form a part of the fetus (embrioblas), and the outer cells form the trophoblast that will form the placenta. On the sixth day, the embryo arrives in the uterus, then immerse yourself into the wall of the uterus is soft, thick, and creamy and contains secret like milk. The process of embryo attachment to the cell wall is called implantation. The embryo continues to grow and develop fully human form, meaning the pregnancy is ongoing.

Fertilization and Pregnancy

Fertilization is the process of joining a spermatozoon and an ovum to form a zygote. Ova, also known as egg cells, are the haploid female gametes produced by the ovaries in the female reproductive system. At around the 14th day of the menstrual cycle, female sex hormones trigger the release of a mature ovum from one of the ovaries. The finger-like fimbriae of the Fallopian tubes sweep the surface of the ovaries to collect the ovum and place it into the hollow Fallopian tube. Once inside the Fallopian tube, the ovum is carried toward the uterus by many beating cilia in the lining of the tube and by peristaltic contractions of the tube.

How does the menstruation?

The menstrual cycle. How does the menstruation? After the egg is cooked ovulation will occur. Ovum will be arrested fimbriae infundi-bulum. If the egg is fertilized, there will be a pregnancy. However, if fertilization does not occur, menstruation will occur. Menstruation occurs every month and form a menstrual cycle length of approximately 28 days. 14 days of preparation for ovulation and endometrial preparation 14 days to receive a fertilized ovum.

At the end of the menstrual cycle, the hypothalamus secretes gonadotropin hormone (FSH-RH) to stimulate the anterior hipofisi secrete FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone). At the beginning of the next cycle, on day 14, the follicle will continue its development (oogenesis) is influenced by the hormone FSH. Once formed DeGraaf follicle (mature follicle) and produce the hormone estrogen. This developmental period is called follicular phase.

The hormone estrogen stimulates the anterior pituitary to secrete LH and FSH in inhibiting the formation of pituitary hormones. LH acts to stimulate ovulation, usually on day 14 of the menstrual cycle. Around the time of ovulation is called the estrus phase. LH also stimulates the empty follicle to form the corpus luteum.

How does the menstruation?

The corpus luteum produces progesterone which serves to prepare the uterus to be occupied by embryo if fertilization occurs. This phase is called the luteal phase. Progesterone also serves to inhibit the formation of LH and FSH.

If fertilization does not occur, progesterone production begins to decline at day 26, the corpus luteum will shrink, eventually disappearing. This causes the lining of the endometrium shed at day 28. As a result, the so-called menstrual bleeding. Generally, menstruation occurs during one week. Then, the cell walls recovered, FSH is produced again and the cycle begins again.

Who was Sir William Bowman?

In the world of science known saint or a name of Sir William Bowman whose name has been famous all around the world. Sir William Bowman (1816-1892) was a surgeon, an expert histology, and British anatomist. He is famous for his research on the use of the microscope in studying many human organs.

Sir William Bowman was born in Nantwich, Cheshire, the third son of a geologist and bankirm and amateur botanists, Bowman was educated at Hazelwood School near Birmingham in 1826.

The first work is a well-known research on the structure of skeletal muscle. At the age of 25 years, he has identified the structure of the nephron known as Bowman's capsule.

Sir William Bowman describes his findings in a paper entitled "On the Structure and Use of the Malpighian Bodies of the Kidney" ("Structure and Function in Kidney Malpighian Agency") and managed to get a medal kingdom.

Who was Sir William Bowman?

Partnership with Robert Bentley Todd, a professor of physiology, produce publications with five volumes of "Physiological Anatomy and Physiology of Man" (1843-1856) ("Anatomy and Physiology of Human Physiology") and "Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology" (1852) ("Encyclopedia of Anatomy and physiology").

In 1884, Queen Victoria raised Sir William Bowman became a baronet. Sir William Bowman died at his home, Joldwynds, near Dorking, Surrey in 1892.

Abnormality or disease in Excretion System

Abnormality or disease in Excretion System - Abnormalities or diseases that occur in the excretory system assortment, among others, are as follows.

1. Albuminuria

Albuminuria is because there are abnormalities in the kidneys albumin and protein in the urine. This is a symptom of damage to the kidney filtration apparatus. the disease is cause too much albumin escape from the filter kidney and wasted with urine. albumin is proteins that are beneficial to humans because it serves to prevent the liquid is not too much out of blood. Causes of albuminuria which are deficient protein, kidney disease, and liver disease.

2. Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a disorder of the kidneys due to the presence of sugar (glucose) in the urine caused by insulin deficiency. This is because overhaul process disrupted glucose into glycogenso that the blood glucose rise. The kidneys are not able to absorb all the glucose. As a result, glucose excreted with urine.

Diabetes mellitus should be managed and controlled well so that the sufferer can feel comfortable and healthy, and can prevent complications. Efforts to control diabetes mellitus in whom are:
  1. Check with your doctor to schedule/routine.
  2. Take medications as directed by your doctor.
  3. Set the diet.
  4. Exercise regularly.
  5. Conduct periodic laboratory examinations.
Abnormality or disease in Excretion System

3. Diabetes insipidus

Diabetes insipidus is a disorder in the system because of lack of antidiuretic hormone excretion. abnormality this can cause excessive thirst and of urine into many and very dilute. Diabetes insipidus is caused by a decrease in the formation of antidiuretic hormone, the hormone that is naturally prevents the formation of urine that is too much. Diabetes insipidus can also occur if the levels antidiuretic hormone to normal, but the kidneys do not provide normal response to this hormone (a condition called nephrogenic diabetes insipidus).

Other causes of diabetes insipidus are:
  1. Damage to the hypothalamus or pituitary gland as a result of surgery.
  2. Brain injuries (mainly fractures at the base of the skull).
  3. Tumors.
  4. Sarcoidosis or tuberculosis.
  5. Aneurysm or blockage of arteries leading to the brain.
  6. Some forms of encephalitis or meningitis.
  7. Histiositosis X (disease Hand-Schuller-Christian).
Diabetes insipidus can be treated by addressing cause. Vasopressin or desmopressin acetate (modified from antidiuretic hormone) can be given as a nasal spray several times a day expenditures to maintain urine normal. But it must be careful, because if too many taking this drug can lead to hoarding fluid, swelling, and other disorders. Injection antidiuretic hormone is given to patients who would patients undergoing surgery or unconscious themselves.

Diabetes insipidus can also be controlled by medicines which stimulates the production of antidiuretic hormone, such as chlorpropamide, carbamazepine, klofibrat, and various diuretics (thiazides). However, these medications may not totally relieve symptoms in diabetes insipidus heavy.

4. Nephritis

Nephritis is a disease of the kidneys due to damage the glomerulus caused by bacterial infection.This disease can lead to uremia (urea and acid urine re-enter the blood) so the ability impaired water absorption. The result is the accumulation of water on foot or often called edema (foot sufferers swell).

This phenomenon appears to occur more frequently in early childhood and adults than in the half aged. Patients usually complain of feeling cold, fever, headache, back pain, and edema (swelling) usually on the face around the eyes (lids), nausea, and vomiting. Difficult urination and urine became turbid.

5. Kidney Stones

Kidney stones is a disease that occurs due to stones in the kidney. The stone is a compound calcium and uric acid buildup. Stone formation could occur due to urine saturated with salts can form stones or urine because shortages normal inhibitors of stone formation. About 80% kidney stones composed of calcium. Stone size varies, start of which can not be seen with the naked eye to that of 2.5 cm or more. This stone can fill almost the entire renal pelvis and renal calices. Small stones that do not cause symptoms of obstruction or infection, usually do not need to be treated. drink lots fluids will increase urine formation and help throw some rocks. If the stone has been wasted, do not need immediate treatment.

Stone in the renal pelvis or ureter most top measuring 1 cm or less often solved by ultrasonic waves (extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, ESWL). Rock fragments will then be discarded in the urine. Sometimes a stone is removed through an incision small skin followed by ultrasonic treatment. Small stones in the lower ureter can be removed the endoscope is inserted through the urethra and into the bladder.

Uric acid stones, sometimes will dissolve gradually the urine alkaline atmosphere (eg by provide potassium citrate). However, other stone can not be addressed in this way. Uric acid stones larger can cause a blockage that needs to be removed surgically.

6. Polyuria and oliguria

Polyuria is a disorder of the kidneys, where urine issued very much and dilute. Meanwhile, oliguria is produced very little urine.

7. Anuria

Anuria is kidney failure that can not be make urine. It is caused by a defect the glomerulus. As a result, the filtration process can not be done and no urine is produced. As a result of the anuria, then there will be balance disorders in the body. For example, buildup of fluid, electrolyte, and the remnants of metabolism body that should come out with urine. This condition which will provide the clinical picture than anuria.

Anuria precautions are essential to performed. For example, in a state that allows the occurrence of high anuria, fluid administration for the body should always sought before anuria occurred.

8. Acne

Acne is a skin condition which occurs blockage of the oil glands of the skin accompanied by infection and inflammation. It usually occurs in adolescence due increased hormones. Acne can occur on the face, chest, or backs. Many ways to deal with acne and a variety of drugs offered to address this one skin disorder.

To treat acne, you need adequate sleep, minimum 7 hours a day, multiply to consume fruits and vegetables. besides that, if you can reduce or avoid eating food starchy, sugary, chocolate, and nuts.

9. Eczema

Eczema is a skin disorder because the skin becomes dry, reddish, itchy, and scaly. Generally, the symptoms of eczema are visible swelling and itching of the skin. The cause of eczema include:
  1. Allergy to soaps, creams lotions, ointments, or metal particular.
  2. Fatigue.
  3. Stress.
In general, eczema is not dangerous, in meaning no cause of death and is not contagious. However, eczema can cause discomfort and Particularly disturbing. Therefore, it is necessary to treat eczema the following ways:
  1. Do not keep changing soap. Use soap bath soft, not too frothy, and not eliminate the body's natural oils.
  2. Use clean water for bathing.
  3. Rub body with a soft towel and clean immediately after bathing to truly skin surface dry.
  4. Diligent hand washing with soap and then rinse and pat dry.
10. Gangrene

Gangrene is a skin disorder due to death tissue cells of the body. This is caused by the blood supply poor to a particular body part. Blood supply bad can be caused by pressure on the vessel blood (eg, bandage that is too tight). Sometimes, gangrene caused by direct injury (gangrene traumatic) or infection.

Human Excretion System

Tool excretion in human excretory system include: liver, lungs, skin, kidney, and colon. Each tool 's function is to secrete substances excretion of metabolic waste that different, except for the water which can be excreted through all means of excretion.

1. Liver

Liver or liver is the largest gland in the body, located in the abdominal cavity of the right side, right under the diaphragm. The liver has several functions, among others:
  1. Neutralizing toxins so it does not harm the body, then the toxins excreted through the urine.
  2. Changing the glucose into glycogen to regulate blood sugar levels.
  3. As a means of issuing excretion of bile and urine color. Each day, the liver produces bile reaches ½ liters.
  4. The synthesis of several substances. The liver produces arginase enzyme that converts arginine into ornifin and urea. Ornifin formed can increase NH3 and CO2 are toxic.
  5. The liver produces bile which is derived from the hemoglobin of red blood cells that have been old. bile stored in the gall bladder and a green liquid and taste bitter. Bile contains cholesterol, bile salts, mineral salts, and the pigment bilirubin and biliverdin. Bile serves to digest fat so easily absorbed by the body, helps power the absorption of fat in the intestine, activates the enzyme lipase, and changing the substance into a water insoluble substance which is soluble in water.
  6. Be remodel the red blood cells that are old . Hemoglobin in the blood is broken down into iron, globin, and heme. Globin iron and reused to produce new red blood cells. Meanwhile, overhauled heme to bilirubin and biliverdin blue green. The dye is oxidized bile in the gut into urobilin which gives a yellowish color in the stool and urine.

Human Excretion System
2. Lung

The lungs are one of the organs of excretion from the body. Humans have a pair of lungs, the left lung and right. The lung has a primary function as a respiratory closely related to the excretory system. By breathing, you take O2 from the air and release CO2 and H2O. The rest of metabolism in tissues such as carbon dioxide and water are transported by the blood to the lungs to be excreted by diffusion in the alveoli. In many alveolar capillaries that have a layer of cells so that the process can run well.

Human Excretion System

3. Skin

Leather is one of the tools necessary excretion body to excrete water, salts, and urea from the body in the form of sweat. Excretion through the skin highly correlated with temperature and the activities carried out by humans. The skin that serves as a means of excretion is the sweat glands (glands sudorifera) located in the dermis layer. Human skin consists of two parts, namely the epidermis and dermis.

a. The epidermis

The epidermis is composed of two layers, namely the stratum corneum (horny layer) and a layer of Malpighi. Stratum corneum is the layer of dead skin that may flake off and are replaced by new cells. Meanwhile, Malpighi layer consists of layers of spinosum and germ. Spinosum layer serves to hold the friction from the outside. Germ layer contains cells that actively divide, replacing a layer of cells in the stratum corneum. Malpighi layer can give color to the skin because it contains the pigment melanin. If too much melanin pigment, the color of one's skin becomes dark.

b. dermis

In the dermis there are blood vessels, hair follicles, nerve endings, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands. Sweat glands become active when the temperature is hot. This causes the sweat to the surface of the skin by means of evaporation. This resulted in the evaporation temperature of the skin surface down. Conversely, when the ambient temperature is low (cold), and inactive sweat glands in the skin capillaries constrict. In this condition, the blood does not waste water and metabolic waste that causes evaporation is greatly reduced. This causes the body temperature and the body does not experience cold. Sweating is controlled by the hypothalamus. Below are the actual dermis connective tissue under the skin that has no clear boundaries. In this layer there is fat that serves as a food reserve. Fat serves to hold body heat and protect the body against the outside.

4. Kidneys

Renal excretion is the primary tool in humans. Kidney function to excrete metabolic waste substances containing nitrogen, such as urea, and ammonia. In addition, the kidneys also function to secrete substances that excessive amounts, like vitamin C is too much in the body, maintaining the extracellular osmotic pressure, and maintain the balance of acids and bases.

a. Kidney structure

Human kidney has a length of about 10 cm and forms such as red beans, numbered pair, and is located on the left and right of the spine. Type metanefros the human kidney is not segmented and have many glomeruli. Kidneys are the skin of the kidney, kidney marrow, and kidney cavity.
  1. Skin the kidney (cortex). In the skin there are many kidney Malpighi bodies totaling ± 1 million. Agency consists of glomerular Malpighi.
  2. Kidney marrow (medulla). Kidney marrow bodies form a cone-shaped and contains a lot of channels that collect urine called convoluted tubules.
  3. Cavity kidney (renal pelvis). In this cavity empties into the collecting duct. Of the cavity, urinary tract out of the ureter to the bladder (bladder). From the bladder, urine exits the body through the urethra.
b. Formation of Urine in Kidney

The process of formation of urine in the kidneys through three stages as follows:

1) Filtration (filtering)Blood filtration occurs at the glomerulus, the blood capillary coiled inside the Bowman's capsule. In glomerular endothelial cells are thus facilitate the screening process. In addition, the binding also occurs in glomerular blood cells, platelets, and most of the plasma proteins that did not participate were excluded. The results of the infiltration process in the form of primary urine (glomerular filtrate) is compositionally similar to the blood, but does not contain protein. In the primary urine can be found amino acids, glucose, sodium, potassium, ions, and other salts.

2) Reabsorption (reabsorption)
The process of reabsorption occurs in the vessels (tubules) proximal. This process occurs after the primary results of the infiltration of urine flow in the vessels (tubules) proximal. The ingredients are absorbed in the process of reabsorption are materials that are still useful, such as glucose, amino acids, and a large number of inorganic ions. In addition, the water contained in the primary urine is also experiencing reabsorption by osmosis, while the other ingredients reabsorption take place in active transport.

The process of water absorption also occurs in the distal tubule. Then, the materials that have been reabsorbed by the proximal tubule is returned to the blood through the capillaries that surround the tubules. This reabsorption process also occurs in the loop of Henle, especially sodium ions. The result of the process of reabsorption is secondary urine composition constituent substances which are very different from the primary urine. In the secondary urine was not found substances that are still needed by the body and urine levels higher than in the primary urine.

3) Augmentation (Addition)Urine subsequent secondary distal convoluted tubule entry into and collecting ducts. This happens in the process of adding channels substances that do not benefit the rest of the body. Then, the actual urine get into the bladder (urinary bladder) through the ureter. Furthermore, the urine will be excreted from the body through the urethra. Urine contains urea, urine acid, ammonia, and disassembly of protein remnants. In addition, substances containing excessive in the blood, such as vitamin C, drugs, and hormones and salts.