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Fertilization and Pregnancy

Fertilization and Pregnancy - Fertilisation is the fusion of sperm and ovum. Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube. When fertilization takes place, only the sperm head that contains the cell nucleus into the egg cell wall, while the tail is left outside.

The incorporation of the sperm and ovum to form a zygote. Formed zygote moves toward the uterus while splitting into two, four, eight, and so on, by the time the embryo reaches 32 cells and has a shape like strawberries, is called a morula.

Furthermore, morula develops into a blastula. Then, the cells will form a part of the fetus (embrioblas), and the outer cells form the trophoblast that will form the placenta. On the sixth day, the embryo arrives in the uterus, then immerse yourself into the wall of the uterus is soft, thick, and creamy and contains secret like milk. The process of embryo attachment to the cell wall is called implantation. The embryo continues to grow and develop fully human form, meaning the pregnancy is ongoing.

Fertilization and Pregnancy

Fertilization is the process of joining a spermatozoon and an ovum to form a zygote. Ova, also known as egg cells, are the haploid female gametes produced by the ovaries in the female reproductive system. At around the 14th day of the menstrual cycle, female sex hormones trigger the release of a mature ovum from one of the ovaries. The finger-like fimbriae of the Fallopian tubes sweep the surface of the ovaries to collect the ovum and place it into the hollow Fallopian tube. Once inside the Fallopian tube, the ovum is carried toward the uterus by many beating cilia in the lining of the tube and by peristaltic contractions of the tube.

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